Our wild wild yard at summer solstice!

Friday night, June, Juneau: Listening to Leo Kottke and taking in the wonder of our yard while babies slumber!

Ginormous ferns and hostas on west side of house
Peeking around the back, (r-l) two of four pink Rhodies, one of two Japanese maples, more ferns and craziness incl. two groups of blue Himalayan poppies

View of backyard from bench outside kitchen door
From halfway up steps to greenhouse. Pond recently filled in and path around east side of house (that’s kitchen window above sink), Gastineau channel

Living room with morning sun
Executive breakfast

Trail baby_Imogen Charlotte at eleven months

On the Treadwell Loop on her 10 month birthday. We’ve definitely learned to make the most of the rainy days in Juneau!
On Perseverance Trail with Dad during Uncle Julian’s visit. Great day!

Checking out the botanical gardens out the road with Mom also during Julian’s visit. Beautiful out there.
Pool party at James’s on an 80 degree summer day! She enjoyed checking out the corn cobs and saying hi to everyone.
Quick stop at Sheep Creek on the way back from the party. Gorgeous evening… summer has come to Juneau!
Beachin’ it end of Dupont Trail, first ride in the new Kelty carrier with Dad! Spectacular!

Back to Perseverance Trail during Grandpa Dusty and Mary’s visit.

…Where there were plenty more salmonberries to be had!

Kinda in awe of Grandpa Dusty’s dip (and little slip) in Gold Creek…
…making sure he was okay…
(He was, and it was another beautiful visit and hike! To many more!!)