Billy they don’t like you to be so free.

Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly have another favorite Dylan album:

Actually I take that back.  I never thought that.

Billy you’re so far away from home:

God, thank you (“Billy 4”)…

2 thoughts on “Billy they don’t like you to be so free.

  1. My all time fav is 'Highway 61 revisited'. I can listen to it everyday…but yea, as difficult to stick to a fav as it is to sing along with him…I have only listened to one track from this album(Knockin'…). Should listen to Billy too…

  2. I thought I had decided "for sure for sure" that my all-time favorite album of Dylan’s was Nashville Skyline, because I can always listen to it, and because Girl from the North Country is on that album, but something about the repetition and very subtle differences in these songs is very soothing to me. Try it! Maybe you will like it. PS-Highway 61.

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